Just Do It

Why is it, that the simplest most beneficial tasks are often the hardest ones for us to accomplish? Why do we put off something so small and so easy? Is it just out of pure laziness? Or is this just me? A little over a year ago, Callum and I purchased our first set of Hue Lights, you know, those cool lightbulbs that change colors that you control from your phone? Those ones. At first it was like “oh my god, I have to talk to my phone every single time I want to turn on a light?!” but it quickly turned into “hey Siri, set the brightness to sixty percent” while walking through Target. It never worked.
One day, a couple months back, my phone disconnected from the bridge (just a fancy word for the brain thingy that all of the light bulbs connect through). Instead of simply pushing one single button on the bridge that sits underneath our nightstand right next to our bed that I spend most of my time in (no, seriously), I have opted to just ask Cal to change them for me whenever I enter and leave rooms.
Why, you ask? Well, if I knew the answer to that, I wouldn’t be asking you.

Finally, while crawling into bed last night, I reached down and pressed the big white lit up button and felt instant relief. As if I had just accomplished the ultimate task. I was actually proud of myself.
   I will clean the house top to bottom dusting all of the corners of every room, but folding and putting away the basket full of clean laundry? No way! I can sit here and type out multiple different blog post ideas over the next two hours, but send that email that was supposed to go out two weeks ago? Nah. Spend hours playing Two Dots on my phone, but call and schedule a much needed doctors appointment? Absolutely not.

(They don’t let your mom call and schedule them for you when you are 26 unfortunately. Thank you for trying anyway though, Kelly!)

I put off an easy task for so long, and for what?

All I am really saying, is this; do the dang thing. Do whatever it is that you have been putting off for no reason at all. You want to clean out your garage? Go do it! You want to cut your hair? Why not?! You want to confess your feelings for someone? OK! You want to quit your job? Go for… actually no, don’t do this one. Not yet at least. Wait until our economy is back to normal. But if there is something you’ve been putting off for a while,


disclaimer: I am in no way sponsored by Nike.
Also, if you’ve been putting off something illegal… please continue to do so…
Unless its just a misdemeanor… Kidding.
Kind of.

Thoughts? Questions? Concerns? Comment them!


  1. Cal wrote:

    Love it!

    Posted 4.18.20 Reply